Best and Brightest Leadership Teams in the Nation

A Powerful Community of the Nation’s Elite Leaders

Does your company’s leadership team exemplify motivation and effective management, inspiration and ambition, reward and acknowledgment, as well as prioritizing both people and performance? The Best and Brightest Leadership Teams program offers senior leaders a powerful tool that provides critical performance metrics that will inspire tactical action and embolden strategy.

The programs assessment reporting is designed to pave the way for your team’s success, offering valuable feedback to enhance communication and boost performance. It validates the effectiveness of your leadership, whether individual or as a team, and offers constructive insights for improvement.

The National Association for Business Resources provides peer discussion, collaboration, and networking opportunities with leaders in this community of elite thinkers. In addition to business excellence, the Best and Brightest Leadership Teams demonstrates success in their executive leadership, brand credibility, the ability to mentor and inspire, and exercises effective communications.

Eligibility and Requirement for Participation

To be eligible for consideration, companies must meet the following criteria

In business for 5 years

Gross revenues are a minimum of $5 million annually

20 employee minimum

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